240301002903: Proposed subdivision of Erf 1535, permanent closure of Portions A and B as "Public Open Spaces" and rezoning of Portion "A" to Business and Portion "B" to Street, Extension 5, Okahao, Omusati Region
Publication Year:

PH Builders cc hereinafter referred to as the proponent has been approved by the Okahao Town Council to purchase portions of Erf 1535 Okahao Extension 5 for the construction and of Shopping complex. The property (Erf 1535) measures approximately 113,715 m² and is currently zoned "Public Open Space". To complete the purchase of the portion of the Erf 1535 measuring 4,000m², certain town planning procedures should be applied for the subdivision, closure, and rezoning of the resulting portions (Portion A and B) from "Public Open Space" to "Business" and Streets respectively. In terms of the Environmental Management Act (Act No.07 of 2007), the rezoning of land zoned "Public Open Space" to any other land use cannot be undertaken without any EIA being undertaken. Green Gain Consultants cc was appointed by the proponent as an independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to conduct the required Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA) study and apply for the ECC for the proposed closure and Rezoning of Portions A and B "Public Open Space" to "Business" and Street respectively.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 8 April 2024

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