
Conservation starts on a full stomach: Improving agricultural practices in communal conservancies

Publication Year:

It is early morning in Malengalenga Village in the Zambezi Region. Kazi Kumukwake, a lead farmer in the Dzoti Conservancy, and her older brother are on their way to her two hectare plot to harvest beans, watermelon and pumpkins. She also grows maize and sorghum, which will be harvested in a few weeks. Despite the erratic rainfall this season, her plot has yielded enough to meet her own household's needs and a surplus that will be sold to others in her community. Kazi is part of a long-term training programme, the Multiplier Support Programme (MSP), where she learnt about organic agricultural practices such as mulching and improving soil quality through compost application. Kazi uses her income from selling fresh produce to support her mother, two brothers and two sons. During the drier winter months, Kazi focuses her efforts on her backyard garden (known as a "food circle") where she grows carrots, beetroot, tomatoes and spinach among fruit trees such as guava, mango and papaya. Kazi also owns six head of cattle, which are integrated into her farming system by supplying manure and transporting reeds, grass and poles.

Publication Title:

Conservation and the Environment in Namibia

Item Type:
Book or Magazine Section