
Vermeende stropers verskyn weer vrydag

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"Dis 'n outjie wat ons al lankal pla. Hy is al vantevore op Seeis toegesluit omdat ons hom met 'n gesteelde 5 000 liter-tenk gevang het en daar was nog gemsbokke agterop die voertuig ook," sê die bron. Volgens die persoon is hulle groep ingelig oor ses stropers wat bedrywig was tussen Vrydag en Sondag.

"It's a little guy that has been bothering us for a long time. He has been locked up on Seeis before because we caught him with a stolen 5,000 liter tank and there were chamois in the back of the vehicle as well," says the source. According to the person, their group was informed about six poachers who were active between Friday and Sunday.

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