
Kunene regional ecological assessment - Prepared for the Kunene People's Park Technical Committee

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The Namibian government, in collaboration with local communities, Traditional Authorities, NGOs and private sector stakeholders, has proposed a new contractual national park in the Kunene Region comprised of the four units of state concession lands, (totaling approximately 700,500 hectares). The purposes of the proposed park address both conservation as well as socio-economical goals. The conservation objectives of the proposed park are to conserve this vast wilderness and its wildlife, while also serving to link the Skeleton Coast and Etosha National Park, thereby facilitating wildlife migrations and creating one of the largest conservation area complexes in the world. To provide an ecological basis to inform future planning, Round River Conservation Studies was requested to conduct a Regional Ecological Assessment situated within a conservation planning conceptual framework, that included stakeholder engagement and a collaboration strategy, to ensure the assessment results were linked to implementation activities. The goals of the Kunene Regional Ecological Assessment (KREA) are to: 1) Compile available data and identify key information gaps, 2) Foster collaboration through data and information sharing, 3) Conduct a regional ecological assessment, 4) Integrate KREA products into a Data Management System for shared decisionsupport, 5) Help guide the establishment of sound monitoring strategies and additional applied research projects to support adaptive management activities.

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