
Anti-poaching drive beefed up with introduction of rhino management plans and horse patrols

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The anti-poaching drive was strengthened with the recent launch of two Rhino Management plans and a horse patrol unit last week at the Etosha National Park on Friday. Speaking at the commemoration of World Rhino Day, the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT), Pohamba Shifeta said the day is dedicated to raising awareness about the threats that the rhino population is facing and how the world can come together and protect these endangered species. "Illegal hunting for rhino horn is primarily responsible for the crash in black rhino numbers in Africa from perhaps 100,000 animals in the 1960s to a low of about 2,410 in 1995. Through strict conservation programs, the numbers in Africa have since increased, reaching 5,081 by the end of 2012," he noted.

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Namibia Economist
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