
Illegal wildlife trade fuels poaching  - Segokgo

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Pangolin poaching for enhanced sexual pleasure on the increase. The Commander of Botswana Defence Force, Lieutenant General Placid Segokgo, has warned that poaching will continue to be part of our lives for as long as some countries in Asia cling to their beliefs that some organs of wild animals give them sexual powers. Addressing journalists at a recent press briefing, Segokgo said, “There are some people in the East who believe that consuming or applying samples of organs such as horns, teeth, or even skins enhance their sexual performance and therefore they will do anything to acquire such, and they are prepared to pay whatever amount of money to satisfy their beliefs,” he said. This, the commander said, has potential to entice their suppliers to get the products since they know that it is a lucrative business that they are engaged in. There are reports that rhino horns, elephant tusks, nails and other related organs, are in high demand in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and China, hence providing a lucrative market for poaching syndicates. However, the Commander said there is a decrease in incidences of poaching of rhinos, lions and elephants in the country, but noted that there is an increase in incidents of pangolin poaching because of its unique skin.

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