
230829002063: Application for renewal, amendment and transfer of Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for proposed 2.63 Ha Land Lease on Farm 38 from the Walvis Bay Municipality for warehousing and storage facilities for Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Support Services by Vibrant Upstream Services (Pty) Ltd, Walvis Bay Municipality, Erongo Region

Publication Year:

The renewal, amendment and transferred Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) is required by the Proponent Vibrant Upstream Services (Pty) Ltd for the 2.63 Ha leased land on Farm 38 from the Walvis Bay Municipality for the development of Warehousing and Storage Facilities for Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Support Services. The leased land falls within the Walvis Bay Municipality, Erongo Region. Leased land was previously used as a storage facility for quarrying operations. The leased land area by the Proponent form part of the 2769.5 Ha portion of Farm 38 land on which an ECC dated 24th July 2012 was granted by the Environmental Commissioner in the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT). The ECC was granted to Mr. J. Gurirab of Erongo Quarry and Civil Work with respect to warehousing, storage and quarrying activities. The Proponent is hereby applying for the renewal, amendment and transfer of the current ECC over the leased land on Farm 38. The proposed development of the warehouse and storage facility on the leased land will cover the following project developmental stages: (i) Permitting and preconstruction activities may be required. (ii) Construction of the warehousing and storage infrastructure. (iii) Operation, ongoing monitoring and rehabilitation of the warehousing and storage and. (iv) Decommissioning, closure and aftercare of the site.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 20 September 2023

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