
Let every scale count: Using creativity for pangolin conservation

Publication Year:

Pangolins around the world are highly threatened due to demand for their scales as traditional medicine ingredients in the Far East. Namibia's only pangolin species - the Temminck's pangolin โ€“ is no exception, and pangolin poaching and illegal trade has become a major concern in recent years for Namibian conservationists. While Namibia boasts large areas of excellent pangolin habitat, conserving this species requires more than just meeting its ecological requirements. Pangolin conservation requires the whole of Namibian society to care about this vulnerable and rarely seen animal, such that ordinary people are willing to stand against pangolin poaching and trafficking. Namibian society is multi-cultural,economically unequal, and demographically young. Pangolin conservation must therefore involve the youth across all cultures to create positive perceptions and national pride to effectively counter poaching and illegal trade for short-term financial gains. The future lies in the hands of today's youth, and their outlook and perceptions are developed through their formal and informal educational experiences.

Publication Title:

Conservation and the Environment in Namibia

Item Type:
Book or Magazine Section