
Seven arrested in relation to three wildlife crimes

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Seven people have been arrested in relation to three wildlife crimes that took place between 17 and 23 April. According to the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, these incidents occurred in the Kavango East, Kunene, and Erongo Regions. Two out of the three cases reported during that period involve high-value species. In the first case, registered at the Opuwo Police Station in the Kunene Region, the police arrested three men for possessing four counterfeit rhino horns. The suspects, aged 47, 30 and 39, were apprehended on 17 April and charged with attempted, conspiracy, and inducement to commit the offense. In a separate case, the police also apprehended three men on 19 April after discovering a full Mountain Zebra carcass in their possession. The case was recorded at the Karibib Police Station, and the suspects were charged with the unlawful removal of dead game, transportation of game or game meat, illegal hunting of protected game, and the failure to provide a satisfactory account for possessing the carcass. In another case, a 45-year-old man was arrested by the police on 23 April after being found with a pangolin skin. The case was registered at the Rundu Police Station, and the suspect was charged with illegal possession and trafficking of controlled wildlife products.

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