
230522001501: The renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for proposed small scale mining and processing activities and ongoing exploration at the Sinclair Mine

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Renewal application for: Cathral Investments Ninety One (Pty) Ltd (i.e. Cathral Investments) proposes to conduct further exploration on EPL 6545 around the Sinclair Mine. Furthermore, Cathral Investments proposes to apply for a Mining Licence (ML) from the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) for mining; processing of the ore; and associated activities at the Sinclair Mine. Tulela Processing Solutions (Pty) Ltd (i.e. Tulela), a wholly-owned Namibian Metallurgical and Mining company, holds majority shares in Cathral Investments. Cathral Investments / Tulela intends to recover economical minerals from the Sinclair ore body. EPL 6545 (and the Sinclair Mine) is located in the Lüderitz district, Karas Region approximately 50 km northwest of Helmeringhausen. The C27 Road crosses through the centre of the EPL. The Sinclair Mine is situated on the Sinclair Farm.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 15 June 2023

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