
Namibian Islands' Marine Protected Area

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The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) recognizes that the unique and fragile marine ecosystem bordering the Namibian coast is a valuable national asset and that all of our marine resources need to be carefully looked after for the benefit of all Namibians now and in future. MFMR is therefore committed to developing and implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF), in order to maintain the health of our marine habitats and to protect and soundly manage our marine resources. The identification and protection of key marine areas therefore forms an important component of the EAF process. The procedure of defining and zoning Namibia’s first MPA and drawing up appropriate management recommendations was a truly collaborative effort, involving a large number of stakeholders. These included representatives from the fishing, mining and tourism sectors, line ministries and non-governmental organizations. The level of support and co-operation amongst all stakeholders has been remarkable and underlines the commitment by all Namibians to work towards protecting our marine environment. This report essentially contains the detailed summary of these efforts. It provides a thorough overview of the objectives of this MPA, as well as the definition of areas with different management objectives and recommendations. An appended legal review highlights the legal procedures required to proclaim an MPA in Namibia.

Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
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NIMPA Report_May2009.pdf 5.58 MB