
230428001408: Amendment and renewal of ECC for the abstraction of groundwater on Farm Cadix, No. 678 Oshikoto Region

Publication Year:

Amendment and Renewal of ECC for the abstraction of groundwater on Farm Cadix, No. 678. from 350 000m3/a to 642 000m3/a Title of Activity: Groundwater abstraction for irrigation. Nature of Activity: Irrigation of vegetables, maize, and fruit trees. Location of Activity: Farm Cadix No. 678, Tsumeb. Located 30 km east of Tsumeb. The farm cultivates maize and vegetables which are sold commercially. From Tsumeb, the farm is accessible via the D3021 district road en route Abenab. Scale and Scope of Activity: The total area of the farm is 1311 Ha of which 1230 Ha is used for farming and 81 ha is allocated for irrigation.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 23 May 2023

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