
230427001395: Rössing Uranium Mine on-site disposal of radioactively contaminated mechanical waste

Publication Year:

This is an amendment request to our regional ECC, seeking MEFT endorsement on disposal of radioactively contaminated mechanical (solid) waste on the designated RUL Waste Rock Dump area. The request will help RUL execute its pro-active progressive rehabilitation programs - with which the mine aims to clean-up various disposal sites across site.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 22 May 2023

This EIA Report is/was listed currently or previously for Public Comment on the Department of Environmental Affairs ECC Portal http://eia.met.gov.na. You can search the eLibrary for all EIA reports for public comment here, track the progress of EIAs in Namibia using the EIA Tracker website on https://eia-tracker.org.na and you can learn more about the EIA process in Namibia here.