
230130000930: Shell: Ongoing exploration and appraisal well drilling in Petroleum Exploration Licence 389 (PEL39) Karas Region

Publication Year:

Shell currently holds an ECC (APP-001119) for the drilling of up to 5 exploration and/appraisal wells across PEL39. Shell is now applying to drill up to an additional 10 exploration and appraisal wells within the same drill area of interest as authorised 17 August 2020. Shell is thus applying to amend its current ECC to allow for the drilling of additional exploration and appraisal wells, including performing well tests, and amending the timing of the activities to commence in 2023. After commencement in 2023, Shell is proposing to drill these additional applied-for wells in the event that initial wells prove positive.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 28 April 2023

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