
Minister Barbara Creecy on fight against rhino poaching in national parks

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Relentless pressure forces rhino poachers to abandon national parks in 2022, says Creecy South Africa's relentless fight against rhino poaching in the Kruger Park and other national parks saw a decline in poaching numbers across the country. In 2022, 124 rhino were killed in the Kruger National Park. No rhino were poached in any other national park.  The number of rhino poached in the Kruger National Park represents a 40% decrease compared with those killed for their horn 2021.  Unfortunately the poaching threat has shifted to KwaZulu-Natal, which lost 244 rhino to poaching last year. Of these, 228 were killed in provincial parks and 16 in privately owned reserves. The Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park was specifically targeted. In total across the country private rhino owners lost 86 rhino.  The number of rhino killed in the past year represents a slight decline (of 3) compared to the 451 rhino poached in South Africa in 2021.

Series Title:
South African Government
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