
MET official nabbed for alleged poaching

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An environment and tourism official was arrested with three other men for illegally hunting a protected blue wildebeest in the Daan Viljoen game park, west of Windhoek. They were arrested on Tuesday at the roadblock, west of Windhoek, leading to the game park. The suspects, including the official in uniform, were nabbed with a whole carcass of the wildebeest in the boot of their sedan. Blue wildebeest are classified as protected and endangered species in Namibia. The official is said to be stationed at the park as an assistant game ranger for the environment ministry. Equally, it is alleged one of the suspects is the cousin to the official, the other is a well-known poacher and the fourth suspect is an employee of a local bank in Windhoek. Environment and tourism spokesperson Romeo Muyunda yesterday confirmed the incident, saying the ministry is disturbed by the fact that a staff member was arrested among three other suspects.

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New Era Live
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