
First case of rhino poaching this year recorded - Suspected poacher gunned down

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The first case of rhino poaching this year was recorded in an incident where a suspected poacher was killed on Saturday, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism spokesperson, Romeo Muyunda confirmed this week. It is alleged that three male suspects hunted a rhino at farm Okarakua, Windhoek district, in which one suspect was shot and killed by the anti-poaching members and another male suspect, aged 27 was arrested, while the third one is still at large, the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security’s weekend serious crime report stated. "The following items were recovered; a hunting rifle, silencer, rounds, two horns, and two cell phones. The value of the items is not yet determined. The nationalities of the poachers are still not known as police investigations are still ongoing," the report added.

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Namibia Economist
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