
Sperrgebiet National Park


The Sperrgebiet National Park is Namibia's newest national park. While the park is largely undeveloped and much of it remains inaccessible to visitors, there is still a chance to explore this wild landscape. Ministry of Environment and Tourism concessionaires from Lüderitz take visitors into the southern extremity of the park where they can admire the colossal 55-metre-tall Bogenfels rock arch, the modern diamond mine and the mysterious ghost town at Elizabeth Bay, the ghost town of Pomona (which is noteworthy for enduring the highest average wind speeds in Southern Africa) and Märchental - the famous 'Fairytale Valley', where diamonds were once so common they could be picked up in handfuls as they gleamed in the light of the moon. Observe the birds and animals that frequent the Orange River mouth, an internationally renowned Ramsar site. And, of course, don't miss the succulents, some of which grow as tall as trees and many of which put on a stunning floral display after winter rains.

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