
Sustainable Development and Natural Resource Competition and Conflicts in the Okavango Delta, Botswana

Publication Year:

This paper uses the concepts of sustainable development and the sustainable use of environmental resources in addressing issues of resource competition and conflicts in the Okavango Delta. A stakeholder approach/analysis is used to identify interest groups or stakeholders involved in resource competition and conflicts in the area. This paper points out that resource competition and conflicts pose a threat to the sustainable use of the Okavango Delta. As a result, the sustainable use of the Okavango Delta requires the participation of all the stakeholders in policy formulation, implementation and monitoring. Particular attention is paid to the traditional groups because they live in the Okavango Basin, and could be economically motivated to manage and monitor the wetland effectively on a daily basis. Keywords: Sustainable development, Sustainable natural resources, Okavango Delta, Environmental resources, Traditional groups/communities, Wetland management, Development policies, World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED).

Publication Title:

Botswana Notes and Records

Item Type:
Journal Article