
Rapid Trade and Environment Assessment (RTEA)

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In Namibia and around the world, the growth and liberalization of international trade is changing the way we live and work. At more than $100 trillion Namibian dollars a year, trade flows and the rules that govern them are a massive force for economic, environmental and social change. International trade is becoming an increasingly important driver of economic development, as it has been expanding at almost twice the pace of total global economic activity for the past 15 years. Notwithstanding the relatively short term contraction in exports that are anticipated to result from the global financial crisis, Namibia views trade and foreign investment as a central part of our efforts towards achieving Vision 2030. Past investments in infrastructural capacity have positioned Namibia well to grow and benefit from regional trade linkages within SACU, SADC and the rest of Africa. At the same time, Namibia has worked towards strengthening its environmental management, by improving the protected areas network, enacting mandatory Environmental lmpact Assessment legislation, and made enormous gains in the conservation of biodiversity, the fight against land degradation and addressing the ever more pressing challenges of climate change and adaptation. Many of these efforts contribute to the solid progress made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Namibia by 2015 and Vision 2030. However, vigilance is needed regarding the potential interactions between trade and environmental sustainability in Namibia.

National Report for Namibia
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