
State reinstates charges against rhino poacher Gideon van Deventer

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The national prosecuting authority (NPA) has reinstated charges and re-enrolled an eight-year-old case against known rhino poacher Gideon (aka Deon) van Deventer, after it emerged the original case had been quashed and struck from the roll under dubious circumstances. The state’s 2014 Bronkhorstspruit firearms case against Van Deventer was re-opened in June this year after a whistle-blower tipped off law enforcement authorities and court officials about a miscarriage of justice that occurred at the Bronkorstspruit magistrate’s court on 24 July 2015. The case has now been placed on the roll at Bronkhorstspruit magistrate’s court for Friday. Van Deventer was also served a 175 notice at the Makhado Correctional Services facility to appear at court.

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Mail and Guardian
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