
221021000149: Environmental Impact Assessment process for the Cleaner Green Hydrogen Demonstration Plant in Walvis Bay, Erongo Region, Namibia

Publication Year:

Cleanergy Solutions Namibia (Pty) Ltd (hereafter referred to as Cleanergy), a Joint Venture between CMB.TECH and Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group is proposing to construct a 5 Megawatt (MW) Green Hydrogen Demonstration Plant (GHDP) in Walvis Bay, Namibia. The project will also involve the construction of a 5 MWp Photovoltaic Solar (PV) power plant capable of producing green electricity that will be used to power the GHDP. There will be a transformer to step up the voltage from the production range (400 Volts) to 11 Kilovolts (KV) and a battery energy storage system to regulate any variations in the PV output. Hydrogen will be produced on-site by a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) water electrolyser, separating the hydrogen and oxygen molecules with a rated capacity of 5 MW. The co-produced oxygen will be vented to the atmosphere at a safe location whilst the hydrogen molecules will be directed for storage in a series of storage vessels. Firstly, it will feed a low-pressure hydrogen buffer at 40 bar (positioned between the electrolyser and the entrance of the compressor), in order to overcome start/stop sequence delays between the electrolyser and the compressor. The compressor increases the pressure of the hydrogen by decreasing its resulting volume for optimum storage. The compressed hydrogen will be stored at 300 bar and 500 bar pressures, respectively. The majority of the produced hydrogen will be stored at 300 bar to cater non-PV hours and seasonal variations. The 500 bar storage will be used for distributing hydrogen via a dispenser at 350 bar for refuelling heavy duty vehicles on-site and refilling the MEGC (Multiple Elements Gas Container) trailers for transporting hydrogen within Namibia to support hydrogen applications/equipment. The water which will be used in the process, is potable water supplied directly to site from NamWater. An average of 14 m3/day of potable water will be used. Main components will include: 5 MWp solar Photovoltaic (PV) plant ; 5 MW electrolyser; Compressors to densify the hydrogen gas for storage; Buffer tanks and storage tanks (40 bar/300 bar/500 bar); Hydrogen fuelling station; and Training centre/building. The project will further include the development of a site access road and a 5 Megavolt Ampere (MVA) connection from the Erongo RED electricity distribution grid. A separate application for an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process will be undertaken for the Erongo RED grid connection. The GHDP will be used to gain experience within Namibia and to train local employees with the conversion of renewable energy into green molecules like hydrogen and ammonia. This demonstration project will produce hydrogen for local heavy-duty equipment like trucks, locomotives, tugboat, port/mining equipment and gensets. Listed activities triggered include: ENERGY GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE ACTIVITIES 1. The construction of facilities for - (a) the generation of electricity; WASTE MANAGEMENT, TREAMENT, HANDLING AND DISPOSAL ACTIVITIES 2.1 The construction of facilities for waste sites, treatment of waste and disposal of waste. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE TREATMENT, HANDLING AND STORAGE 9.1 The manufacturing, storage, handling or processing of a hazardous substance defined in the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, 1974. 9.4 The storage and handling of a dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid petroleum gas or paraffin, in containers with a combined capacity of more than 30 cubic meters at any one location. 9.5 Construction of filling stations or any other facility for the underground and aboveground storage of dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid, petroleum, gas or paraffin. INFRASTRUCTURE 10.1 The construction of- (a) oil, water, gas and petrochemical and other bulk supply pipelines; (b) public roads.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 7 November 2022

This EIA Report is/was listed currently or previously for Public Comment on the Department of Environmental Affairs ECC Portal http://eia.met.gov.na. You can search the eLibrary for all EIA reports for public comment here, track the progress of EIAs in Namibia using the EIA Tracker website on https://eia-tracker.org.na and you can learn more about the EIA process in Namibia here.