
Poaching rife around farm Uitkoms

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Uitkoms - As the population of Farm Uitkoms grows, crimes and social ills such as poaching, stock theft and drug and alcohol abuse are skyrocketing. Farm Uitkoms, housing mainly marginalised Namibians some 160km north-east of Okahandja, is seen as the epitome of self-sustainability in terms of government resettlement efforts. In 2008, retired veteran politician Dr Libertina Amathila, who at the time held the portfolio of Deputy Prime Minister, vigorously spearheaded a campaign that saw the marginalised San community resettled at this farm. At the time, the government resettled the marginalised community with livestock and some game such as gemsbok. Some of the game species at Uitkoms like eland, warthog and Damara dik-dik were found on the farm before the resettlement. The population of Uitkoms has since grown to house over 3 000 residents, including encroachers who have come to settle for farming purposes. Due to the high influx of outsiders, the government served seven families from Farm Uitkoms in the Okondjatu area with eviction notices during 2016.

Series Title:
New Era Live
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