
Archaeological baseline survey and mitigation of ML-140 Langer Heinrich

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A baseline archaeological survey of ML-140 was carried out to augment an earlier reconnaissance survey, and to contribute towards a land-use plan for Langer Heinrich Uranium (LHU). The combined results of the two surveys have yielded a total of 67 archaeological sites, mainly concentrated around granite outcrops at the eastern end of the mine lease area. Most of the archaeological sites relate to the occupation of the Namib in the 2nd millennium AD, by hunter-gatherer communities who gathered wild grass seed from the underground caches of harvester ants. A range of other subsistence activities were carried out in the area, including communal hunting and honey harvesting, all subject to the availability of water from natural rainwater basins on rock outcrops. ML-140 and adjacent ground held by LHU also contains some sites relating to combat in March 1915, between the German colonial forces and the invading South African forces under General Louis Botha. The report presents specific mitigation measures for these sites which may be threatened by new pipeline and power-line developments. The archaeological sensitivity of the area is not especially high, the most important sites being located a short distance outside the boundaries of the lease area. Test excavations were carried out at two rock shelter sites, QRS 58/17 and 58/20, and detailed survey was carried out on a group of stone alignment sites QRS 58/38-41. The results of the survey and excavations are presented here, including two radiocarbon dates for occupation of QRS 58/17 during and immediately after the Last Glacial Maximum (ca.18-11kyr). The results of the Baseline Survey and Mitigation exercise have been presented verbally to LHU management, with a field excursion to visit examples of typical archaeological sites. The investigation results are also to be presented in the form of a small museum display at the LHU site offices.

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