
APP-003246: Exploration activities of base and rare metals, dimension stone and precious metals on EPL 7125, Outjo, Kunene Region

Publication Year:

The proponent intends to undertake exploration activities of base and rare metals, dimension stones and precious metals on EPL 7125, Outjo, Kunene Region. The proposed activity will be undertaken within the boundaries of the EPL 7125, in terms of the Environmental Management Act of 2007 and its regulations of 2012. As part of the proposed exploration project, the following activities are envisaged, which shall be further defined as the exploration program is refined: potential creation of access tracks, where existing tracks cannot be utilized; limited vegetation clearing or thinning to allow a smooth work operation and creation of exploration boreholes. The exploration methods may include aerial or remote sensing, electromagnetic surveys, drilling (reverse circulation and diamond), mineral sampling; and storage of exploration samples.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 7 April 2022

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