


With an elevation of 2347 m above sea level, the flat-topped Gamsberg is part of the Great Escarpment that separates the Khomas Highland to the east from the low-lying Namib Desert to the west. Situated 120 km southwest of Windhoek just south of the Gamsberg Pass, it towers some 450 m above the plateau, whereas the drop to the Namib plains is an impressive 1100 m. Due to its height and distinct shape, Gamsberg is the most prominent landmark in the area and visible from a distance of more than 100 km. A prodigiously winding track leading to the top affords spectacular views of the Namib and the Hakos Mountains to the north. The arid climate, with a large number of cloudless nights, a dark sky undisturbed by artificial light, excellent atmospheric transparency and low humidity led to a small astrono-mical observatory being established on top of Gamsberg by the Max-Planck Institute in 1970.

Publication Title:

Source: Roadside Geology of Namibia

Geological Survey of Namibia
Item Type:
Book or Magazine Section
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Gamsberg.pdf 732.85 KB