The Kalahari Group in the 400-m deep core borehole WW 203302, Northern Owambo Basin
The borehole WW 203302 was drilled by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) of Germany as part of the Ohangwena Groundwater Investigation Project in northern Namibia. It was completed early in 2015. This is an incredible core. The total core loss was only 31.78 m (7.9%). It was 28.9 m (11.13%) in the Andoni Formation. Of this, more than half (18.4 m) was in the soft, water-saturated, totally unconsolidated Ohangwena I and II Aquifers. The core loss in the Olukonda Formation was 2.88 m (2.1%). The core reveals far more varied detail concerning sedimentology and post-depositional processes than any of the other boreholes have revealed. This report is based on the accompanying litholog of the borehole core. Keywords : Kalahari Group, Andoni Formation, Olukonda Formation, Owambo Basin, Cubango Megafan, bioturbation, seasonal climate, semi-arid, Tertiary, intermittent fluvial deposition, aeolian deposition, pedogenic calcrete, calcrete and dolocrete nodules, mud pellet clasts, reworked calcrete, aquifer, aquitard.
Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia
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