
APP-003256: Proposed exploration/prospecting and possible small-scale quarrying/mining activities in the Mining Claims (MCs) No. 72287, 72288, 72584 and 72585 Rehoboth District, Hardap Region

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The ECC is required for the following proposed activities: (i) Initial desktop exploration activities (review of existing information and all previous activities in order identify any potential target/s in the MCs Area); (ii) Regional reconnaissance field-based activities such as reginal mapping, aerial survey and existing data analysis and sampling to identify and verify potential targeted areas based on the recommendations of the desktop work undertaken under (i) above; (iii) Initial local field-based activities such as widely spaced geological mapping, sampling, surveying and possible trenching and drilling in order to determine the viability of any delineated local target; (iv) Detailed local field-based activities such very detailed geological mapping, trenching, bulk sampling, surveying, detailed drilling and laboratory test in order to prepare a feasibility report, and; (v) If the feasibility is positive, test mining and small-scale dimension stone quarrying / mining operations with a stone processing facility will be implemented covering construction, operation (mining and processing) and rehabilitation, decommissioning and final rehabilitation and aftercare. The MCs allows the holder to undertake exploration, test mining and small-scale mining activities without applying for Mining License (ML). Once granted, the MCs are valid for three (3) years and two (2) year extension periods are possible provided that the claims are being developed or worked. Up to a maximum of ten (10) claims can be held at any one time.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 14 December 2021

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