
Community wildlife conservation programs should go beyond meetings, self-help projects and poacher arrests

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A number of approaches have been used to safeguard different natural resources. Use, and vulnerability mainly depends on its social, and economic value. Wildlife, considerably more valuable- has generated a lot of interest as concerned parties try to apply different approaches to ensure that it is protected. It is unfortunate that some of the wildlife species, like animals' numbers that dwindled because human beings always target them as a means of survival or tampered with their habitats. Through researches, these wildlife species have been classified as 'Endangered' or "Rare" for example the Painted Dog, Rhinos, Pangolin and many others Various platforms have been used to promote co-existence of human beings and wildlife, these help to protect wildlife whose continuous existence will eventually benefit human beings. Conservation education programmes in schools as well as other institutes of higher learning, and poachers'arrests are some of the approaches which have been used. Depending on the approach, and environment where these wildlife conservation programmes are being executed-some of the approaches have become a success story as records of poaching in the targeted areas have been drastically reduced, and wildlife conservation has become part of the community's culture, for example, community leaders or individuals spearheading wildlife conservation programs in respective communities. Some of these platforms have been considered to be more effective than others.

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