
APP-002901: Renewal of ECC for solar salt operations within Mining Licence 147, Cape Cross, Dorob National Park in Erongo Region

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Salt of good quality has historically been mined at the Cape Cross salt pan since the early 1990s in the form of rock salt and re-crystallized salt. The Cape Cross salt pan is located along the coastal line, about 50km from Henties Bay within the Dorob National Park in Erongo Region. In 2009, Cape Cross Namib Investment (Pty) Ltd was granted a Mining Licence (ML147) for solar salt operations and subsequently obtained Environmental authorizations for these operations. The area within the ML147 mainly comprised of the central part of the Cape Cross salt pan but excludes the salt pan's lagoon. The current Environmental Clearance Certificate was granted on the 21 of November 2018 and will expire on the 21st of November 2021. As such, Cape Cross Namib Investment (Pty) Ltd intends to continue with the salt mining operations and is hereby applying for the renewal of the ECC in terms of the Environmental Management Act 07 of 2007 and its Regulations.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 10 September 2021

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