
APP-002871: Subdivision of Erf 103, 345 and 329 and creation of public roads (streets) in Okongo Proper, Ohangwena Region

Publication Year:

The Okongo village Council has appointed Plantek Town and Regional Planner cc to subdivide Erf 103, Erf 345, and Erf 329, all located in Okongo proper. Erf 103 and Erf 345 are located on the west side of the town's CBD while Erf 329 in proximity of the CBD adjacent to B10 main road. The proposed subdivisions will result in creation of public roads (streets) to provide access to the created erven. In terms of the Environmental Management Act of 2007 (Schedule 5.1) and its regulations (GN No. 30 of 2012), the construction of a public road or a road which caters for more than one lane of traffic in both directions cannot take place without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) being obtained.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 31 August 2021

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