
Bending the curve - your guide to tackling climate change in South Africa

Publication Year:

Climate change is now accepted as a global emergency that poses a very real threat to our lives and livelihoods. Change at almost every level of society is needed, and we as citizens, consumers, family members, employers and employees have our work cut out for us. Co-authored by 24 South African experts, Bending the Curve will help you move from deliberation to action. Kicking off with a brief overview of the most recent climate change and environmental facts as they relate to South Africa, Bending the Curve leaps quickly into the practical. Whether you are a parent or farmer, a government or corporate employee, an architect or educator, you will find a wealth of ideas for making profound changes at work and in your personal life that will improve the lives of everyone and help to tackle this scourge. There is no time to lose. Get started now.

Zipplies E
Africa Geographic (Pty) Ltd
Item Type:
Book or Magazine
ISBN 978-0-620-42572-8