
Estimates of population size of most large mammal species, crocodile and ground hornbill for the three core wildlife areas as well as the Multiple Use Area


Table xx provides estimates of population size of most large mammal species, crocodile and ground hornbill for the three core wildlife areas and the Multiple Use Area, as well as an indication of trend (grey denotes stable, red denotes decline, green denotes increase). In some instances estimates from ground surveys are also provided. Estimates of elephants, roan, eland and reedbuck seem to have increased consistently over the past several surveys. Sable, tsessebe and wildebeest have shown declines over the past few surveys. The aerial sample survey method followed seems to perform best for elephants and may not provide accurate estimates for other species particularly those that have a clumped distribution (e.g. buffalo, eland) or are not conspicuous (e.g. giraffe, kudu). Ground surveys yield far higher estimates than aerial surveys (see Table zz) but are not necessarily more accurate. Ground survey estimates could potentially be used to indicate trend independently from aerial surveys but for all species except impala, duiker and steenbok, estimates derived from aerial surveys should be used for all management decisions.


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