
APP-002867: Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for exploration activities on EPL 4426, situated in the Dorob National Park, Swakopmund Dirstrict, Erongo Region

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Title of Activity: Mineral exploration Nature of Activity: Exploration work for industrial minerals, i.e. salt only Location of Activity: EPL 4426 at Cape Cross Scale and Scope of Activity: Mapping, exploration drilling, resource definition drilling, bulk sampling and trial mining of rock salt and pilot crystallization and trial mining of coarse salt Another license holder within EPL4426, Salz Gossow, has commissioned work on the salt pan beyond the extent of the mining licenses into the EPL, altering the substrate and thus affecting the potential exploration and possible options to mine salt in the remaining parts of the pan. Until the conflict of land use is resolved the exploration work in the area is on hold. Furthermore, Gecko Salt has concluded an EIA in view for a Mining License at the Mile 68 salt pan and the establishment of a brine pipeline from the Cape Cross salt pan to Mile 68. We are presently awaiting the grant of the Mining License Clearance Certificate from MEFT.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 18 August 2021

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