
Elefanten- und Nashornwilderei nimmt über die Jahre ab

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Environment Ministry press secretary Romeo Muyunda announced the latest rhino and ivory poaching figures yesterday. According to this, the safety of the animals has improved somewhat over the past few years. When asked what could be the reasons for the decline in elephant poaching over the years, the press secretary replied, "The decline is due to increased law enforcement activities against wildlife crimes through our cooperation with law enforcement agencies." It has also led to more arrests of perpetrators before the actual poaching, which, according to Muyunda, also serves as a deterrent. There is currently good cooperation with members of the police who continue to inform the ministry and lead them to potential or actual cases of poaching. "More needs to be done to bring the numbers to zero and keep them low as poachers are challenged to find innovative ways to meet our efforts. However, we strive staying one step ahead of poachers by trying to anticipate their next move. Poachers and those who intend to do so should be warned that Namibia has taken a stand against poaching,"said Muyunda

Series Title:
Allgemeine Zeitung Namibia
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