
Stryd teen olifantstropery werp vrugte af

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Hoewel niemand nog in hegtenis geneem is in verband met die vier olifante wat vanjaar in Namibië gestroop is nie, toon Namibië oor die afgelope agt jaar 'n sterk afname in die stroping van dié bosreuse. Volgens syfers wat deur die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme bygehou word, blyk dit dat olifantstropery jaarliks verminder. Terwyl daar in 2016 tot bykans 101 olifante gestroop is, was dit in 2019 en 2020 onderskeidelik net 13 en 12 olifante.

Although no one has yet been arrested in connection with the four elephants poached in Namibia this year, Namibia has shown a sharp decline in poaching of these bush giants over the past eight years. According to figures maintained by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, elephant poaching appears to be declining annually. While in 2016 up to almost 101 elephants were poached, in 2019 and 2020 there were only 13 and 12 elephants respectively.

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