
Nashorn-Wilderei in Südafrika legt wieder zu - 125 Festnahmen

Publication Year:

Voriges Jahr ließ die Nashorn-Wilderei in Südafrika nach - wegen des Corona-Lockdowns. Nun steigt die Zahl der getöteten Rhinozerosse wieder.

Rhino poaching is increasing again in South Africa. According to Environment Minister Barbara Creecy, a total of 249 rhinos were poached from January to the end of June. "Although the number of rhinos killed for their horns is higher than the 166 in the same period last year, it is less than the 318 poached rhinos in the first six months of 2019," said the Sanparks National Park Authority on Saturday - International Ranger Day - with. The previous year is considered an exceptional year due to one of the world's strictest corona lockdowns in South Africa.

Series Title:
Allgemeine Zeitung Namibia
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