
KwaZulu-Natal State of Biodiversity Report 2013

Publication Year:

The state of KwaZulu-Natal's biodiversity as at the end of 2013 is evaluated in this assessment at landscape, ecosystem, species and genetic levels using a framework of comparing the current state of selected biodiversity features to the desired state (the target), as well as comparing the trend of the biodiversity feature against the desired trend. It also evaluates the status and eff ectiveness of key response measures, such as the establishment of protected areas, being undertaken to safeguard biodiversity. This report is designed to provide the minimum set of summarised information that will allow decision makers and the concerned public to assess the state of the province’s biodiversity, and, by implication, the success of the province in achieving its constitutional mandate to safeguard the environment for current and future generations.

Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Rushworth I
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife - Scientific Services
Item Type:
Book or Magazine