
APP-002799: Expansion, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the aquaculture (fish farm) project at Okashaningwa village in the Omusati Region

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Cubia Green Fields cc (herein after referred to as "the proponent") has since 2016, been operating an aquaculture (freshwater fish) farm and vegetable garden at Okashaningwa village in the Ruacana constituency of Omusati Region. The farm currently has 1 pond measuring about 2800 m² on average and has a potential to stocked up-to 1000 Catfish or 15000 Tilapia. The plan is to have 8 ponds with measurement of 2800 m² on Average. Hence, seven (7) more additional ponds will be constructed. The main aim of the project is to enhance food security at the local and regional level through high quality freshwater fish production in line with the Government’s effort to promote aquaculture farming in Namibia.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 10 August 2021

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