
Environmental Impact Assessment Report for Exclusive Prospective Licence (EPLs) 6561 and 5992 Otjozondjupa Region

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Kunene Resources (Pty) Ltd holds EPLs 6561 and 5992 which are roughly 164 939 hectares in extent located on communal land south and east of Grootfontein town. The licenses are granted for the exploration of precious metals, base and rare metals, dimensions stones as well as industrial minerals. This Environmental Impact Assessment Report, once complete, will be submitted for an application for Environmental Clearance to conduct mineral exploration work. In this document the receiving environment is described, the envisaged activities are listed and described and the potential environmental impacts are explained. A Draft Environmental Management Plan has been compiled for Ministry approval. The EIA Report and Draft EMP describes mitigations to be applied, the aspects to be monitored and reported on, as well as delegate responsibilities to designated officials. Interested and Affected Parties are hereby requested to review the Draft EIA Report and Draft EMP and provided input prior to the submission of this report to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. The potential environmental impacts were assessed as being of medium to low significance if the suggested mitigations are strictly implemented. Stakeholder relations must be well developed, and specific conditions adhered to as per any negotiations with the interested and affected parties.

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