
Eerste renoster vanjaar gestroop - Beskuldigdes bly in aanhouding

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Ses vermeende renosterstropers is vasgetrek en bly in aanhouding nadat 'n witrenosterbul in die Okahandja-distrik gestroop is. Volgens die hoof van die Blue Rhino-taakspan, komm. Barry de Klerk, is die karkas van die bul met sy horings verwyder omstreeks 07:30 op Vrydag 8 Januarie op 'n private wildreservaat gevind. Hy het bevestig dit is die eerste renoster wat vanjaar in Namibië gestroop is.

Six suspected rhino poachers have been arrested and remain in custody after a white rhino bull was poached in the Okahandja district. According to the head of the Blue Rhino task force, Comm. Barry de Klerk, the carcass of the bull with its horns removed was found around 07:30 on Friday 8 January on a private game reserve. He confirmed it was the first rhino to be poached in Namibia this year.

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