
The perfect rhino crime

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Zimbabwean police officer Sergeant Tawanda Kwaramba drove from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls on September 16 2019, on a mission to undermine the law he had sworn to uphold. In Victoria Falls he loaded seven Chinese nationals into a stolen car and drove more than 900km to Sango on the border with Mozambique. From Sango border post, the Chinese nationals - Zeng Dengui, Peicon Jang, Liu Cheng, Yu Xian, Yong Zhiu, Cheng Zhiang and Qui Jinchang - were driven across south-central Mozambique to Maputo and the safety of a Chinese fishing boat that was due to sail them home. The seven were fugitives from justice in Zimbabwe, having been arrested on December 21 2018 in Victoria Falls for illegal possession of more than 20kg of rhino. Each faced charges of contravening the Parks and Wildlife Act, specifically the illegal possession of prohibited wildlife products, and money laundering.

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