
Renosterhoring, ivoor op Swakop-plot gevind

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‘n Bejaarde man is gister by die Swakopmundrivier-plotte glo met ‘n ou renosterhoring en vyf stukke olifanttande in sy besit vasgetrek. Volgens die Namibiese polisie se misdaadverslag volg die inhegtenisneming van die 69-jarige man nadat die volgende ander items ná ‘n soektog glo in sy besit gevind is: 27 patrone van ‘n .308-geweer, twee patrone van ‘n R1- outomatiese aanvalsgeweer en 33 patrone van ‘n .22-vuurwapen.

An elderly man was allegedly caught with an old rhino horn and five pieces of elephant tusks in his possession at the Swakopmund River plots yesterday. According to the Namibian police's crime report, the arrest of the 69-year-old man follows after the following other items were allegedly found in his possession after a search: 27 cartridges of a .308 rifle, two cartridges of a R1 automatic assault rifle and 33 cartridges of a .22 firearm.

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