
APP-001465: Application for the renewal of an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the upgrade of Road DR3610 to gravel standards, Mangetti West, Nehale Lyampingana Constituency, Oshikoto Region

Publication Year:

The Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate is for: Quarrying activities. Potential clearance of forest area (i.e. trees) that might require authorisation in terms of the Forest Act, 2001 (Act No. 12 of 2001) or any other law. The construction of public roads. 2. Details of the Activity(s) covered by the Environmental Clearance Certificate: 2.1 Title of the Activity Upgrading of road DR3610, Mangetti West, Nehale LyaMpingana Constituency to gravel standards (Oshikoto Region). 2.2 Location of Activity The study area for purpose of this Project is defined to be at road DR3610, Mangetti West, Nehale LyaMpingana Constituency, Oshikoto Region. 2.3 Nature of Activity The project entails the upgrading of (50km) of the road (DR3610), Mangetti West, Nehale Lyampingana Constituency currently with a width of 4.5m and 6m to gravel standards based road (30m meter road reserve). 2.4 Scale and Scope of the Activity The proposed activity (upgrade of road) stretches over a distance of 50km.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 27 August 2020

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