
APP-001593: The Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for Grobler Transport's Proposed Sand Mining Activities

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Grobler Transport Services (Grobler) was issued an ECC in January 2016 for a validity period of three years. However, during the validity period of the ECC, Grobler Transport have been preparing and finalizing contracts and agreements in order to commence with the proposed sand mining activities on the Okahandja River. These contracts and agreements have therefore been recently finalized, thus, they wish to commence with sand mining immediately, hence this ECC Renewal Application. The proposal by Grobler Transport is to extract approximately 130 000 m3 of sand in the first year. Grobler proposes to excavate to a depth of 2 meters below the existing river bed. The above-mentioned activities are covered in an Environmental Scoping Study & Associated Environmental Management Plan conducted by Colin Christian & Associates in 2015 and an ECC was issued in 2016 with a validity period until 2019.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 27 July 2020

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