
APP-001598: Renewal of environmental clearance certificate - Skorpion zinc for the conversion of the Nam Zinc refinery facility to process zinc sulphide concentrates in addition to zinc oxide ores, in the !Karas Region, Namibia

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Renewal of environmental clearance certificate - Skorpion zinc for the conversion of the Nam Zinc refinery facility to process zinc sulphide concentrates in addition to zinc oxide ores, in the !Karas Region, Namibia. The project involves processing of Zinc sulphide concentrates in addition to zinc oxide ores. The mine life was extended from 2017 to 2019 due to the availability of additional ore reserves in the pit. As a result of the mine life being extended, the refinery conversion project was deferred at that time. Now that the ore reserves are depleted, the site is now in a position to restart the refinery conversion project. Therefore, the requirement for renewal of the environmental clearance certificate is envisaged. The treatment of zinc sulphide (ZnS) concentrate will require modification to the existing refinery facilities. The modification will involve the construction of a sulphide roaster, acid plant and leaching facilities in order to prepare the sulphide ore for refining in the existing plant. These modifications have been assessed in the attached approved EIA and EMP.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 24 July 2020

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