
APP-001494: Permanent closure of Portion A and B of Erf 3573, as "Public Open Spaces" and Rezone to General Residential in Extension 16, Ondangwa, Oshana Region

Publication Year:

TJ Properties cc here referred to as Developer, intends to apply for the subdivision of Erf 3573 into portions A, B and Remainder and Permanent closure of Portions A and B as Public Open Spaces. After closure, the portions will be rezoned to "General Residential" and will be utilized for the construction of accommodation facilities (Town Houses), consisting of about 15 Units. The total size of Erf 3573 is 10217m² while the proposed portion to be rezoned measures about 6050m² in size.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 6 July 2020

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