
APP-001382: Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Proposed Construction and Operation of a Radio Transmission Tower in the Omindamba B Village of the Ruacana Constituency, Omusati Region

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Shalom Messenger Ministries (hereinafter referred to as the Proponent) proposes to construct and operate a 300m high and 20m x 20m base radio transmission tower in the Omindamba B Village near Ruacana in the Omusati Region. The project Proponent identified the need of radio frequency modulation (FM) and related services in the area, hence the intention to erect the said tower. It is the potential environmental risks and impacts associated with the project activities that triggered in the need for an environmental assessment, in accordance with the regulations stipulated in the Environmental Management Act (EMA) No.7 of 2007 - Please refer to the next section.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 9 June 2020

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