
Is elephant contraception an option for Zimbabwe?

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Conservationists have warned the country against adopting elephant contraception as a population management strategy given the negative social and ecological consequences. The ballooning elephant population estimated at over 80 000, rampant human wildlife conflict case, sophisticated poaching syndicates and the existing ban on ivory trade have become a major headache for Zimbabwe wildlife authorities.
Given the sensitivity of elephant population control debate, Zimbabwe has been pondering on which best option to take, with some quarters suggesting birth control pills for the giant creatures. In its recent report to Parliament based on the assessment tour of Hwange National Park the Concilia Chinanzvavana-chaired Portfolio Committee on Environment and Tourism did acknowledge the complexity in dealing with the ever-increasing elephant population. “The Committee observed the destruction of vegetation by elephants. Secondary vegetation was growing in certain areas where elephants had continuously destroyed the primary vegetation,” reads part of the report. According to the committee some of the available options in managing the ballooning population of the iconic creatures include culling, translocation sustainable harvesting and contraception. On elephant contraception the committee noted that, “contraception is a method which can be used to control the explosive growth of the elephant population.”

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ZBC (Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation)
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