
Appendix G - Specialist Report: Archaeology: Archaeological desk assessment of EPL'S 3300, 3301 and 4361, Kunene Region

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African Nickel Namibia (Pty) Ltd holds exclusive prospecting licences (EPL's) over an area of 63 459 ha in the northern part of Kunene Region, in the vicinity of Okangwati (see Figure 1). Renewal of Environmental Clearance Contracts for the prospecting licence areas requires an environmental assessment (EA) and EnviroDynamics has been commissioned to conduct the relevant study. EnviroDynamics has requested QRS to carry out an archaeological desk assessment of the likely sensitivity of the area and its cultural heritage resources as defined under the National Heritage Act (27 of 2004). Archaeological remains in Namibia are protected under the National Heritage Act (27 of 2004) which makes provision for archaeological impact assessment of large development projects. Previous field surveys and assessments in the upper Kunene River valley have identified a large number of archaeological sites, and the area in general is considered to be archaeologically sensitive. The area is also considered to have a high cultural heritage sensitivity due to the possible impact of various development initiatives on the traditional life and historical sites of the OvaHimba people. This report addresses the archaeological heritage in particular.

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